Search results (568)

Mind Maps

Information map providing an outline of the Agile Software Development methodology including an overview of the Agile Scrum and Sprint techniques. …
mindgenius 08 November 2011
100% match
MindGenius Map
Here is the map presented during the webinar made for Biggerplate. This map can help you choose your Mind Mapping software. Link to Interactive Map…
Signos 27 May 2021
100% match
MindManager Map
Course notes from the Association for Software Testing (AST) "Black Box Software Testing Bug Advocacy" course. I highly recommend the AST cl…
kingtermite 16 January 2012
99% match
MindManager Map
The map provides a detailed template of the sales strategy for a software development company. Download the 30 day free trial from http://www.mind…
mindgenius 31 May 2012
92% match
MindGenius Map
Sample map detailing the structure of an organisation and relations within each department.
mindgenius 06 June 2012
92% match
MindGenius Map
Template to help with the financial planning for a client covering various aspects of personal finance.
mindgenius 06 June 2012
92% match
MindGenius Map
Template to help with the financial planning of a family covering various aspects of personal finance.
mindgenius 07 June 2012
92% match
MindGenius Map
This sample map outlines the failure and harm mechanisms for the spillage of a toxic chemical. The map offers solutions to the failings that contribut…
mindgenius 21 May 2012
92% match
MindGenius Map
Sample map detailing the structure of an organisation and relations within each department with photos to help identify key directors.
mindgenius 08 June 2012
92% match
MindGenius Map
Information map featuring some of the key venues that will host events during the London 2012 Olympics.
mindgenius 23 July 2012
92% match
MindGenius Map
Information map detailing the final medal count of the top 15 most successful countries from the 2012 London Olympics.
mindgenius 14 August 2012
92% match
MindGenius Map
SWOT analysis template to help a business review and analyse their current situation and identify areas of improvement.
mindgenius 16 August 2012
92% match
MindGenius Map


Toyer Mamoojee (Head of QA and Test Engineering) explores the uses of mind mapping in software engineering, from the strategic leadership level to det…
Toyer Mamoojee 07 March 2024
100% match
In this webinar, mind mapping software expert Nick Duffill will discuss whether long-standing models of mind mapping are still relevant in the modern …
Nick Duffill 20 March 2018
92% match
Artificial Intelligence is poised to have a major impact on many areas of business. Chuck Frey from the Mind Mapping Software Blog believes it will ra…
Chuck Frey 16 July 2018
92% match
In this webinar Toyer Mamoojee will share how he uses Mind Maps in the Software Development world. Software Testing is crucial in establishing a high …
Toyer Mamoojee 31 July 2018
85% match
Consultant Adam Cherrill will demonstrate how to manage real-world, fixed price projects without ever leaving your mind mapping software. Featuring: M…
Adam Cherrill 30 August 2017
83% match
Join this PRO software session with Biggerplate Founder Liam Hughes to learn how iMindMap can help you conduct effective strategic analysis, and devel…
Liam Hughes 16 June 2020
83% match
Join this live software session with Biggerplate Founder Liam Hughes to learn a step by step approach to building a Personal Organiser mind map 'dashb…
Liam Hughes 30 June 2020
83% match
Deirdre will show how you can use a mind map to plan and structure written work, exporting it to a word processor, then use speech-to-text software to…
Deirdre Madden 31 March 2022
80% match
In this session, Liam Hughes will discuss one of his favourite books of recent years, and why he believes it is so useful in describing the creative …
Liam Hughes 27 April 2023
62% match
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," wrote Sir Arthur Charles Clarke, the famous author of science fiction. Generat…
Philippe Boukobza 25 May 2023
58% match
Hazel Wagner will share her enthusiasm for how these three topics meld and make your thinking and decision-making more creative and productive. The te…
Dr Hazel Wagner 27 April 2023
58% match
Mind mapping software allows users to brainstorm and visualize ideas quickly and easily. Using mind mapping, a Program Manager can more effectively se…
Jim Franklin 16 February 2023
58% match
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Event Planning with Mind Maps
Event Planning with Mind Maps
Learn how to build out a comprehensive event planning using mind mapping tools, from initial brainst…
Speaker: Liam Hughes
Date 07 August 2024
Travel Planning with Mind Maps
Travel Planning with Mind Maps
Learn how mind mapping can help you research and build your travel plans for both work and pleasure …
Speaker: Liam Hughes
Date 21 August 2024
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