Story Telling Template for Kids from One Trillion Stories For Kids [For kids of …

Story Telling Template for Kids from One Trillion Stories For Kids [For kids of …

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iMindMap Map added Mon, Jul 27, 2015
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Story Telling Template for Kids from One Trillion Stories For Kids [For kids of …

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Here is the book's "One Trillion Stories For Kids" core focus which is centered around an introduction to Mind Maps for parents and child minders through the Made-Up Story Telling Template which will give new comers mental access to an unlimited source of stories for their children during story times.

This Mind Map teaches people how to structure a made up story while comparing it to the stages of an athletics sprint race. The start (setting, characters, the problem), the body or plot (choose special object, props, confrontation) and the finish (resolution, conclusion). Each branch is refined further for simplicity so this template becomes a guide for tellers who can utilise it and adapt it according to their own needs.

The idea is to get adults using Mind Maps and then going on to teach their children to use them sooner than later. See for details.
Created using: iMindMap
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: ©2015 Nic Andela. All Rights Reserved.


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