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Mind Mapping to Write a Book

Date:: 17 November 2020 | 10.15am (Eastern Standard Time)
Duration: 60 mins
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In this webinar, author Jamie Nast will discuss how mind mapping enabled her in writing her book Idea Mapping (How to Access Your Hidden Brain Power, Learn Faster, Remember More and Achieve Success in Business). Jamie will share why she believes mind mapping is so valuable for writers in gathering ideas, sorting them into a coherent narrative and making writing less stressful. This webinar is part of ReadWriteMap - the virtual event for reading, writing and mind mapping on 17 November! Visit Biggerplate.com/ReadWriteMap
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Jamie Nast
Jamie is the co-founder of NastGroup: a training and consultancy organization, with plenty of specialised experiences in mind potential optimization. Her workshops augment mental aptitudes and maximize individual and organizational productivity. Her range of expertise spans Idea Mapping, speed reading, leadership, creating personal missions, memory, presentations, tapping creativity, strategic planning, and graphic facilitation. She is an accomplished conference speaker and has consulted for a wide array of clients both domestically and internationally. Jamie’s book Idea Mapping: How to Access Your Hidden Brain Power, Learn Faster, Remember More, and Achieve Success in Business was released September 22, 2006. This book combines her real-world business experience with her teaching and Idea Mapping skills. Using her unique, results oriented teaching strategies, she brings her workshop right to the reader. Learn more at Idea Mapping Success

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