Irregular Verbs in English

Irregular Verbs in English

This mind map was made with iMindMap. Visit iMindMap

iMindMap Map added Tue, Jun 12, 2012
via web

Irregular Verbs in English

English Irregular Verbs for revision.
I just noticed that this mind map is the highest rated of all mind maps and the most viewed in Education. Thank you to everyone who gave a thumbs up.

I will not be adding any more maps to Biggerplate because iMindMap no longer offer a free version and my goal was to provide free tools for everyone, not just companies and individuals with 80€ to spend on a bit of software. This price makes it out of the reach of millions of people who desperately need to get an education online to improve their life.

As an alternative, I recommend the free, browser-based application . I have started working on this mind map here.

All of my students have at some point tried to learn by heart English irregular verbs in alphabetical order. I made this mind map to help them see how there are a number of sub-groups that have similarities, thus making the task a little easier. Not all of the verbs are here, I've been selective. If you download the map, you can add or remove verbs according to your needs. If you need a translation in your own language, I would add it as a note and not on the map. Then, when you roll your mouse over the branch, you will see the translation. Visit my site,
Created using: iMindMap
Category: Library > Parent > Child
Copyright & licencing: No Rights Reserved.
To the extent possible under law, the owner of this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to it.


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Hi, please can you tell me what TYPE of map this is called - the layout is exactly what I am looking for - circular, thanks
Some letters appear missing when I download. What can I do?
inspired by your mindmap I made a similar one using Mindomo with images and audio files for every verb
Please how can i import this mind map on Imind map 9 thank's
Great! Thank U!

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